Level Up Your Canadian CV

Writing a compelling Canadian CVs can be a difficult task, especially for newcomers. While you might be familiar with the format, accurately conveying what sets you apart can be a challenge. It’s more than just listing tasks and keywords. 

On top of that, when you’re new to Canada, employers often inquire about Canadian work experience, and translating the value of your international experience can be tough.

Here are some actionable tips to help you level up your Canadian-style CV


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Tip 1: Focus on Results and Impact in Your Job Description Bullets

When you’re jotting down your job duties, resist the urge to just copy-paste from the job description. Take a moment to think about how your work made a difference for the business, and try to put numbers to your accomplishments.

DON’T: “Responsible for managing customer relationships and implementing systems.”

DO: “Boosted client relations by instituting personalized follow-up procedures, resulting in a 30% increase in customer retention and a 15% rise in referral business.”

Tip 2: Remove “Filler” Words

When you’re writing down your job responsibilities, it’s easy to get caught up in using too many words. Instead, focus on making each word count. Swap out adjectives for strong action verbs to make your CV more direct and impactful.

DON’T: “Was solely responsible for the meticulous creation and implementation of highly effective and impactful marketing strategies.”

DO: “Optimized marketing strategy through targeted audience segmentation, resulting in a 30% surge in website traffic.”

Tip 3: Use AI – the Right Way 

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can be a fantastic assistant when it comes to fine-tuning your CV. It can offer suggestions, tidy up your grammar, and even help with formatting. But like any tool, it’s important to use it wisely.

If you depend too much on AI, your CV might end up sounding overly complicated or filled with jargon that doesn’t make much sense.

Instead, try writing out your bullets on your own first. Structure them with a strong verb depicting your role, followed by a specific action and its result.

DON’T: “Implemented state-of-the-art digital tools to revolutionize business processes, resulting in unparalleled efficiency improvements and groundbreaking cost savings..”

DO: “Introduced Asana as a project management software to streamline task assignment and tracking, resulting in improved collaboration among team members.”

Remember: focus on tangible results, trim unnecessary words, and use AI wisely. By implementing these actionable tips, you can more accurately communicate your impact.



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Level Up Your Canadian CV

Level Up Your Canadian CV

Writing a compelling Canadian CVs can be a difficult task, especially for newcomers. While you might be familiar with the format, accurately conveying what sets