In-Demand Careers: International Truck Drivers Find Abundance of Job Opportunities in Canada

Canada has always been extremely dependent on the road transportation industry, in particular on long-haul (HGV, or heavy goods vehicle) trucking. This sector accounts for 77.7% of the volume of commodities moved within the country. However, the growing economic importance of trucking’s role in the goods supply chain has translated into surplus demand for vehicles, triggering an acute driver shortage across Canada.  

According to a study by the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), there could be a staffing shortage of 55,000 truckers by the end of 2023. This is largely caused by a lack of prospective truckers – especially women – to replace retiring workers, along with a high turnover rate among long-haul drivers. Alberta’s trucking industry, for example, is one of many that is “struggling to fill thousands of vacant driver roles.” Not only does this risk negatively impacting the HGV sector itself, but also every other sector that depends on commodity transportation.  

To fix the labour shortage described above, Canada included truckers under Canada’s Express Entry Program in November 2022. This opens a pathway to permanent residency for internationally trained HGV drivers holding a Class 1 license equivalent. These drivers are now recognized by the federal government as belonging to a high-demand sector. This changes their occupational class from semi-skilled to skilled. Moreover, the Provincial Nomination Program (PNP) offers immigration opportunities through the non-express entry route.  

With an earning potential mirroring that of a graduate engineer, suitable working conditions, and occupational freedom, the Canadian trucking industry is a hot spot for recent and prospective immigrants. Given all these perks (and so many more) you must be wondering how you could enter the long-haul business in Canada, right? 

That is where could be of help! We provide our clients with comprehensive recruitment services to help them find a job that suits their credentials in Canada. 

For more information, contact us at [email protected] 



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