Communication Tips for Stand-Out Video CV

Win Over Canadian Employers

Are you a newcomer to Canada looking to make a great impression on potential employers? You may have heard that some companies require video CVs, which can be intimidating if you’re not used to being in front of the camera. But don’t worry – with these key communication tips, you can create a structured and engaging video CV that sets you apart from the competition.

We’ll provide tips on understanding your audience, structuring your video CV effectively, and using signposting to maintain your listener’s attention. By the end, you’ll be ready to showcase your skills, experiences, and passion in a way that resonates with Canadian employers.


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1. Know Your Audience 

Tailor your video CV to address the employer’s needs and interests to maximize its impact.

Action Steps:

  • Review the job description for essential hard and soft skills. If you’re creating a general video CV, review a few roles and find any common keywords.
  • Research the company’s mission and values and see how they align with your own.
  • Incorporate this insight into your career timeline.

2. Follow a Specific Structure

Frame your video CV with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction: Introduce yourself (name, profession, years of experience) followed by a compelling hook. Your hook can be a thought-provoking question (“Are you seeking a team player who delivers results? Let me demonstrate how I’ve achieved that…”) or a captivating statement (“I know you’re looking to [Company’s Objective or Challenge], and based on my experience, I believe I can help you by…”). 

Sections: Opt for a clear and effective structure like past, present, and future. Begin with your career journey (past), highlighting your reasons for choosing this career path and any significant milestones. Then, transition to your current role and highlight problems you solved or results you drove (present). Finally, articulate your excitement about the prospect of working with the company and go over what you bring to the table (future).

Subsections: It’s important to have structure within your sections as well – ideally two or three subpoints. These can be listed out as achievements or different roles you took on. For example, for your “Future” section you can highlight two or three qualities that make you a great fit for the role. 

Conclusion: Re-interate your hook (“As I mentioned at the start, I am person who drives results.”), then have some kind of call to action (“I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in more detail”.)

3. Use Signposting and Transitional Phrases

Once you know what skills and experience you want to highlight and you’ve made notes within the different sections of your video, it’s time to look at what transitional phrases you’ll use to guide your listener. 

Here are a few examples:

For your introduction and outlining what you’ll discuss:

“I’ll begin by sharing my experiences from the past, followed by accomplishments in my current role, and conclude with my aspirations for the future.”

For transitioning between sections:

“I’ll begin with my past experience.”

“Moving on to my current role, I’ll detail my recent accomplishments and responsibilities.”

“Now, onto my future aspirations.”

For transitioning between subsections:

“I’ve had three important roles at my company. First… Then … Now…” 

“Here are the key skills I bring to the table. Firstly… Secondly… Finally…”

For your conclusion and reiterating your hook:

“As I mentioned at the beginning of the video, I know you’re looking for someone who can drive results, and you can see how I’ve done that throughout my career.”

Final Tips:

  • Don’t overwhelm your listener with information. Stick to 3 sections (3 is the magic number for structuring information) and 2 to 3 subsections.
  • Avoid memorizing a script. Instead, understand the structure of what you want to say and have clear transitional phrases. 
  • Picture the person you’re speaking to — this will help with your overall body language. Imagine that you are the solution to their problem and that they’re excited to hear what you have to say.

With these tips in mind, you’re well-equipped to create a compelling video CV that leaves a lasting impression on Canadian employers. Good luck!




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